SURPANAKHARA NAKA KATA odia gappa full cartoon odia
he youngest child of Rishi Vishrava and his second wife, Kaikesi, Shurpanakha (the one with lethal and long nails) was given the name of Minakshi “Diksha” at birth, and some also called her Chandranakha (the one with nails like the moon). As beautiful as her mother Kaikesi and her grandmother Tataka had been before her, Shurpanakha grew up and secretly married the Danava prince of the Kalkeya Danava clan, Vidyutjihva. Ravana became enraged with Shurpanakha for marrying a Danava. The Danavas were the mortal enemies of Rakshasas, and he was about to punish her, but Mandodari convinced him to respect the wishes of his sister. Thus Ravana accepted Shupanakha, her husband and Danavas as relatives officially.